Patient wearing a knee brace
Patient wearing a knee brace
Patient wearing a knee brace

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury or Tear

What You Need to Know

  • ACL injuries are more common among girls than boys.
  • 由于生长板的位置,儿童前交叉韧带损伤的治疗需要特别考虑.
  • ACL injuries are classified by grades 1, 2, and 3.
  • Depending on the grade of ACL injury, the patient’s age, and level of athleticism, non-operative or surgical treatments may be recommended.

What is the anterior cruciate ligament?

膝盖是由四根韧带连接在一起的铰链关节. 韧带是膝盖上的一种结构,它将骨头连接在一起,并帮助控制关节的运动. 膝盖两侧各有一个韧带(副韧带),膝盖深处有两个韧带. 膝盖内部相互交叉的两条韧带被称为前交叉韧带(ACL)和后交叉韧带(PCL)。. 两根韧带一边连接到大腿骨的末端(股骨),另一边连接到胫骨的顶部(胫骨)。. [Figure 1].

Diagram showing where the ACL is located

During activity, 前交叉韧带控制胫骨相对于股骨能推荐十大正规网赌平台“滑动”多远:它的作用本质上是防止过度推荐十大正规网赌平台移动. 而某种程度的运动或滑动是正常的,并且是膝关节功能所必需的, 过多的运动可能会损害膝盖的其他结构,这可能会导致一些患者的长期问题.

How is the ACL injured? What are the symptoms?

前交叉韧带可能以多种不同的方式受伤或撕裂. 最常见的机制是在体育活动中突然的旋转或切割动作, which is commonly seen in football, basketball and soccer. 韧带也可能因工伤或车祸而撕裂.

在受伤的时候,有时可以感觉到或听到“啪”的一声. 受伤时所经历的疼痛程度有些不同,但可能相当严重. Typically, the person is unable to continue play or activity, 给人的印象是发生了重大伤害. 在受伤的最初几个小时内,膝关节会立即出现肿胀,但如果立即将膝关节冰冻或用夹板固定,肿胀的程度可以得到限制.

What are the symptoms of an ACL injury or tear?

  • A “pop” in the knee at the time of injury
  • Swelling of the knee
  • 腿部无法承受重量(尽管有些人很少或没有疼痛)
  • Instability of the knee

ACL Surgery | Michelle's Story

在前交叉韧带撕裂后,米歇尔决定回到她积极的生活方式. 在运动医学整形外科医生Andrew Cosgarea的指导下,她前往约翰霍普金斯大学进行前交叉韧带重建, M.D.

How is an ACL injury diagnosed?

前交叉韧带撕裂可以由医生通过病史和体格检查来诊断. On physical examination, 医生可以特别评估当前的活动量并确定前交叉韧带是否撕裂. Additionally, 对膝关节内的其他结构也进行评估, 因为前交叉韧带撕裂通常与膝关节内其他结构的损伤有关, such as the cartilage and collateral ligaments.

X-rays are taken to evaluate for the presence of any fractures. In many patients, an MRI scan of the knee may be ordered. 如果病史和检查不确定,扫描可以澄清ACL撕裂的问题. 如果有必要对特定患者的最佳治疗方案做出决定,该扫描也可用于评估膝关节软骨或半月板组织.

What are the different types of ACL injury or tears?


Grade 1


Grade 2


Grade 3


Tibial Spine Avulsion ACL Injury

青少年也可能有所谓的胫骨撕脱韧带损伤. With this type of injury, the ACL itself is not torn, 但是连接胫骨的韧带(小腿骨)被扯掉了. 这取决于韧带的骨连接被扯掉了多远, 如果不固定,损伤会导致膝盖无力或不稳定.

two women outside doing squats

ACL Tears in Female Athletes: Q&A with a Sports Medicine Expert

Sports injury prevention isn't a one-stop shop, especially for injuries like ACL tears, 哪些疾病在女性中比男性常见4到8倍. 发现帮助女性预防这种常见伤害的方法.

What is the treatment for an ACL injury or tear?

Treatment options are based on the patient’s symptoms, examination, the growth remaining in his or her growth plates, type of injury to the ligament, and the type of sports and activity goals.


非手术治疗最适合1级损伤. This would include immobilization or bracing, physical therapy, 逐渐恢复正常的活动和运动.


对于三级或完全的前交叉韧带撕裂,建议进行手术治疗. Surgical options may vary based on the type of ACL injury, whether the patient has open or closed growth plates, and the type.

Seminar 常见的运动和活动相关伤害:从疼痛到断裂的考虑

Man stretching his leg
从我们的运动医学专家Alex Johnson那里了解更多关于常见的运动损伤和治疗方法, M.D., and our foot and ankle expert John Thompson, M.D., in this webinar-based video.


儿童和青少年可能有开放的生长板和大量的生长要做. 在权衡前交叉韧带治疗方案时,这是一个重要的因素,也是讨论的一部分.

If the patient has significant growth remaining, 建议的治疗方法将避免破坏生长板,这样就不会阻碍未来的生长. 

Learn more about ACL injuries in children. 

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